An Interview with S.D. Stevens
A work in progress!!
Currently, I'm working on book 2 in The Sisterhood Trilogy, Echos of Silence (working title, I'm not all that keen on this one).
As well as reading about Lynwen and Stewart we meet many new characters. Sister Sash'ha is heading for the Clar'hen Order leadership but she's young, hotheaded and felt The Order needed a shakeup. Feeling she's not what The Order needs she tried to see the significance of her own destiny.
Here's a small teaser.
The sound of multiple blades being drawn brought Sash’ha to her feet. She hopped on to the tabletop; food, dishes and cutlery scattering as she drew her sword and pointed it at the largest of the men bearing down on Markus. “LEAVE HIM, BRET.”
“Go to hell Sash.” Bret shoved her blade from his chest. Only to have pushed back
“Back off all of you.” Her free hand pointed to some of the men. “Markus, let him go.” She said calmly. He didn’t budge.
“If he doesn’t let go of my hair…”
“Shut it!” Markus pulled the brutes hair. Bret made a move to protect his friend, swinging his sword towards Markus. He dodged out of the way, pulling on his captives hair in the process.
The crack of fire brought the room to silence. Sash’ha’s sword burned with a white-hot intensity that should have melted the steel. Tiny, hot droplets of molten rock dripped from its tip onto the table to start fires of their own. Most of the weapons in the room returned to their resting places, the others stayed defiant in the face of chaos magic.